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Spain 7 Day Itinerary

Table of Contents:

  1. Itinerary

  2. Timetable

  3. Things to book

This 7 day itinerary will give you 3 days in Barcelona and 2 days in Seville and 2 days in Madrid with day trips to Girona and Toledo. During this trip you will see several famous sites like La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Battlo, Royal Alcázar of Seville, Catedral de Sevilla, Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo, Royal Palace of Madrid and the Prado Museum. Hope you are ready to “crush it"

Day 1: Arrive in Barcelona

Day 2: Barcelona Sightseeing

Day 3: Barcelona Sightseeing and Day Trip to Girona

Day 4: Arrive in Seville

Day 5: Seville Sightseeing

Day 6: Transfer to Madrid with Tour in Toledo

Day 7: Madrid Sightseeing


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