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Hi, I’m Jess and this is my travel blog!
  My goal with the blog is to share my travel experiences to hopefully help you plan your next trip.
  My day job is in finance but my true passion is traveling.  I love being able to travel and explore an area, see something new and photograph my new memories.  
Live life, take pictures, relive memories, repeat!
While I do enjoy a relaxing beach vacation, I really love vacations packed with activities and sightseeing.  You never know when you'll get a chance to go back to a location, which is why I try to maximize my activities and not miss a thing (FOMO anyone?).  Some of my favorite activities are snowboarding, bodyboarding, surfing and hiking.  I could also endlessly walk around sightseeing; historical buildings and cobblestone never get old to me!
As much as I enjoy being out there exploring, I enjoy planning the trip just as much.  I love researching a place to find all the must see sights and activities.  I like to take all that research and drop it into an excel spreadsheet to plot out my agenda and my budget (I am a finance professional after all!)  
I named the blog, Crushed it! Travel, because thats how I describe a great trip or activity.  
I like to say “Crushed it!”.  
I find it so satisfying to get home from a trip and think about all the experiences I just had and how well my itinerary worked out.  I usually spend the next couple of weeks flipping through the pictures to see which I want print for a wall canvas or photo book.
Look, I’m not an instagram influencer or travel professional (yet!).  Most of my pictures are point and shoot with my iPhone with some editing.  I’m sharing my experiences to hopefully help the average traveler maximize their next travel experience.
Feel free to reach out if you have questions on my pasts trips or if you would like suggestions for an upcoming trip.  Also would love to hear if you have any tips or tricks I can use going forward.
Have fun out there and remember to Crush it!

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